TITLE: Such a Shame Music Video
ROLE: HMU, Production Designer
CLASS: FMX 331 Creative Triangle
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Being the main subject and the HMU/Prodution Designer I had a lot easier time working with just myself. I used my love of clowns, and the history of clowns to portray the journey from sadness to happiness in the young woman. She goes from messy hobo clown, to wel primed beautiful cupid clown. I used inspiration from Pierot clowns, Hobo Clowns, and Circus clowns.

TITLE: Blade Runner 2049 Scene Recreation
ROLE: Actor, Production Designer, Costume Designer, Armorer
CLASS: FMX 324 Cinematography
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: My role as HMU and Costume Designer was very important for this short as we sought to do a scene recreation rather than an original piece. I reference the film and the BTA of the film to find out the color schemes, exact accessories and positions of the cops bandages and blood splatters. I also had to figure out how to make everything look wet, stay that way, and create moving water in a Virtual Production enviroment. I went with colagulated blood, it holds in place better, and oil and water which was sprayed into the air, appearing enough on camera, and landing on a tarp to prevent injury. Even if the charatcer of JOI is nude, I did my best with nude bodysuits and tights to allow an easy transition to a piker shade in post.

TITLE: The Goddess’ Relic
ROLE: Production Designer, SFX Makeup Artist, HMU, Armorer
CLASS: FMX 324 Cinematography
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I had a lot of fun with this project. Being able to flex my nerd muscles(a profound love for Tolkein) I used my knowledge of Elf and Dwarf lore to create looks for both characters. A mixture of face painted scars, shading, and rubber ear attatchments it achieves a good facial look for both. The outfits were a bit of renaissance and cottagecore, using the typical shades for both species. To blend the background with the foreground I cut down palms from my rofessors backyard and ziptied them in various levels to create a real forest amongst the virtual one.

ROLE: Writer, DIrector, Production Designer
CLASS: FMX 312 Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I had my hands full, being the head of three departments, all of which require constant attention. My approach to this was a gothic one, I love Penny Dreadful, Frankenstein, Vampires, etc. So I wanted to pay homeage to all of them. The scars represent The Creature, its innocence and seeking of warmth in humanity, confused why he cannot find it. This causes a wrath, an anger in his creater before he turns to darkness. And that was the journey of this character, Prudence, who turns to a bloodied angry version of her religion to survive the even more bloody and unforgiving world.