TITLE: Shedding Velvet
SOFTWARE: Studiobinder
LENGTH: 16 pages
CLASS: FMX 392 Independent Study in FMX
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Following a failed attempt at suicide, Elsie is forced to come to terms with her past, present and future as she is visited by three great women in her life. This piece is about generational trauma and how it affects women and the transition from girlhood to womanhood. Elsie is a driving force of sadness, silence and a product of her world. As she attempts to break to generational trauma in herself she must also fight it outside herself in the form of her own mother.

TITLE: Bad Apples
SOFTWARE: Studiobinder
LENGTH: 48 pages
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Bad Apples is an independent piece I wrote for a potential short film I want to make. Inspired by Sappho, the great greek poet, and my love for dark academia aesthetics. I wanted to write a lesbian love story that wasn’t rooted in sadness, since so many of them end in death or hatred. This is a love letter to unspoken romance, classical literature and sapphic poetry.

TITLE: Pirates
SOFTWARE: Studiobinder
LENGTH: 5 pages
CLASS: FMX 331 Creative Triangle
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: A fraction of a larger concept, Pirates, is the story of a young woman who is killed on a pirate ship for disguising herself as a man. For this piece I asked what happened to those women? What happened to the men that killed them? So I wrote about it, a revenge film disguised as a supernatural pirate horror, this piece will eventually touch on issues bth social and political and historically how men have treated women in the face of nothing but superstition and straw house arguments.

TITLE: The Oracle
SOFTWARE: Studiobinder
LENGTH: 5 pages
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: An award winning piece at Campus Movie Fest, this story follows a young girl as she goes to get her fortune read and what follows after. Modeled after the style of a video game narrative, I wanted the story to be ominous and full of holes that you would further go to discover outside in the game. This was meant to be a story mode portion of a game, giving you a little information about a larger puzzle.

TITLE: One Step Backwards
SOFTWARE: Studiobinder
LENGTH: 6 pages PROFESSOR: Gregg Perkins
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: One Step Backwards was a script used for a Virtual Production Film competition that I submitted to on my school behalf. Following the story of Eleanora, a Quantum Physist who had found the breach between realities, she must venture further and further down the rabbit hole as the very fabric who her being begins to rip apart.

TITLE: PRIMA – Concept Cut
SOFTWARE: Studiobinder
LENGTH: 13 pages CLASS: FMX 312 Narrative Production PROFESSOR:Taylor Curry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The script for my Narrative Production. This follows the story of Prudence Gray, a stagehand, as she navigates the world around her. Treated cruelly and rejected by society for her looks, she is a product of silent rage and pleading religion. After her friendship with the new Prima forms, things seem to be looking well for her. And then the second shoe falls. A mixture of rage, religious imagery, gothic literature and victorian aesthetics Prima is a gut wrenching story with heavy themes.

SOFTWARE: Studiobinder
LENGTH: 48 pages
CLASS: FMX 240 Screenwriting Fundamentals
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This is my most passionate piece of writing I’ve ever made. It follows the story of a girl named Alice who after an overdose, spends her small amount of time between herself and the afterlife to come to terms with the way she lived her life, treated those she loved, and be at peace with it. A love letter and therapeutic write, I used my favorite characters from a book sacred to the relationship between my mother and I, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I brought these characters into a world I also know well, the world of an addict. As someone who has had several in their family and has fallen victim one too many times to the cycle of chaos they bring, I wanted to write a portrayal of an addict I felt was true to my own story. Addicts aren’t always good people who fell victim, sometimes they’re horrible and they’re horrible to you. They take more than they will ever give and they don’t always get better. That isn’t me being a pessimist, that’s just the way it goes. And that’s the way it goes for Alice.