TITLE: PRIMA – Prudence’s Bedroom
ROLE: Director, Writer, Production Designer
CLASS: FMX 312 Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Being a Victorian Era Period piece, and deeply inspired by religious iconography and gothic literature I built Prudence’s Room from scratch. I went to the prop shop on my university’s campus and the woodshop on campus and requested wooden stage flats that I then used a mixture of fabrics, hand sewn skirts, and lighting to create the illusion of a dimly lit room. THe room of a girl who can’t aford much luxuries outside her religious items. She is a creature, inspired by the Creature from Frankenstein.

TITLE: PRIMA – The Church
ROLE: Production Designer, Director, Writer
CLASS: FMX 312 Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Prudence’s refuge throughout the story is this idea of a holy figure, a larger purpose, a saint there to protect her. We are left asking if any of it was true, so that was my goal for the church. The church appears in the voice of Prudence’s mind, nothing but a stream of light like her bedroom. A painting, hand painted by myself sits like the eyes of God looking upon her. She is vengeful and angry, guided by her deranged view of her world. Both a victim and a villain, Prudence’s world needed to reflect her mindset.

TITLE: The Ghost Who Turned Blue – Title Sequences
ROLE: Director, Writer, Production Designer
CLASS: FMX 241 Sound, Image and Motion
PROFESSOR: Warreen Cockerham
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The Opening titles were partially inspired by the opening titles of Napolean Dynamite, handmade of food, paper, and handwritten words. It set the mood for the entire piece, warm and goofy and comforting and cute. This project was homemade with love, so the opening titles needed to feel that way too.