TITLE: Star Wars Poster
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
CLASS: FMX 210 – Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Steven Dinehart
TERM/SEMESTER: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Star Wars poster completed using Adobe Illustrator for the first time, it was an incredibly fun project to complete, with good results.

TITLE: Michelangelo’s Piece
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 – Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Steven Dinehart
TERM/SEMESTER: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Project that allowed me to experiment with different layers in Photoshop.

TITLE: Finding Nemo
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 – Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Steven Dinehart
TERM/SEMESTER: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Movie poster created with different layers
TITLE: Van Ghogh’s Cats
SOFTWARE: Midjourney, Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 – Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Steven Dinehart
TERM/SEMESTER: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Van Ghogh’s cats portraits were generated using Midjourney’s AI technology. The polished and final version was designed in Photoshop, creating a museum experience, adding cats as the expectators. The use of shadows was essential for creating the realistic effect of this piece.
TITLE: My Logo
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
CLASS: FMX 210 – Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Steven Dinehart
TERM/SEMESTER: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I created an original and personal logo for my films.
TITLE: Merging Cats
SOFTWARE: Midjourney
CLASS: FMX 210 – Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Steven Dinehart
TERM/SEMESTER: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: A short film concept created on Midjourney. Grey and orange cat become one as they are watching the same moon and stars.