TITLE: La La Land Sample Production Board
ROLE: Producer
DOCUMENTS MADE: Script Breakdown, Budget, Financing Proposal, Distribution Plan, Location Scouting, Day out of Days, Production Board, Shooting Schedule
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Stuart Fail
SEMESTER TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: The University Of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In the class, we picked a movie of our choice and we had to break down the Producing process for it. In this case, I chose the movie La La Land. This production board is a break down of each shooting day categorized by colors that define if it’s a day or night scene and if it’s an interior or exterior. It is in shooting order and it determines the page length of each scene to facilitate the creation of a shooting schedule. It also lists all cast members, including background actors, and it marks which days they are required to be on set, establishing which days are start and end for them to best distributes their work and rest days.

TITLE: La La Land Shooting Schedule
ROLE: Producer
DOCUMENTS MADE: Script Breakdown, Budget, Financing Proposal, Distribution Plan, Location Scouting, Day out of Days, Production Board, Shooting Schedule
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Stuart Fail
SEMESTER TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: The University Of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In the class, we picked a movie of our choice and we had to break down the Producing process for it. In this case, I chose the movie La La Land. This shooting schedule sample only shows two out of the twelve days I created a schedule for, based on the last fifty pages of the script. To create this schedule, I had to consider page length, how long a shot would take to set up, and location changes.

TITLE: La La Land Sample Budget
ROLE: Producer
DOCUMENTS MADE: Script Breakdown, Budget, Financing Proposal, Distribution Plan, Location Scouting, Day out of Days, Production Board, Shooting Schedule
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Stuart Fail
SEMESTER TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: The University Of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In the class, we picked a movie of our choice and we had to break down the Producing process for it. In this case, I chose the movie La La Land. The purpose of this budget sample was to learn how to do a budget breakdown for a film. We did not base it on the actual budget of the films we picked, but we were in change of estimating how much each aspect of the filmmaking process would cost from start to finish. We learned the differences between above and below the line and how that affects the cost of staff.

TITLE: La La Land Sample Day out of Days
ROLE: Producer
DOCUMENTS MADE: Script Breakdown, Budget, Financing Proposal, Distribution Plan, Location Scouting, Day out of Days, Production Board, Shooting Schedule
CLASS: FMX 342 – Producing Motion Pictures & Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Stuart Fail
SEMESTER TERM: Spring 2023
INSTITUTION: The University Of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In the class, we picked a movie of our choice and we had to break down the Producing process for it. In this case, I chose the movie La La Land. This day out of days is a break down of each shooting day to determine the page length of each scene to facilitate the creation of a production board. It also lists all cast members, including background actors, and it marks which days they are required to be on set, establishing which days are start and end for them to best distributes their work and rest days.

TITLE: Embezzler’s Gambit Call Sheet
ROLE: Director, Producer
DOCUMENTS MADE: Budget, Location Scouting, Call Sheet
CLASS: FMX 312 – Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
INSTITUTION: The University Of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For our Narrative final film Embezzler’s Gambit I created the call sheets for our two overnight shoots.