TITLE: Puppy Monkey Baby
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Chip Neville
SEMESTER: Fall 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Puppy Monkey Baby, the famous Superbowl commercial, inspired this project. We had to take the elements of a puppy, monkey, and then a baby and cut and isolate certain body parts to bind them together as a hybrid. This project helped me work on my feathering tool skills, but also removing a subject from its original background. I also got to work on my shadow casting abilities.

TITLE: Re-colorization Project
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Chip Neville
SEMESTER: Fall 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For this project, I was given a black and white photo. The goal was to make it look as realistic as possible with shading, realistic color pallets, and believable skin tones. This project took a lot of minor tweaking, but it was really amazing to see how much color you can bring into a photo that didn’t originally have it. The assignment also gave me a better understanding of mixing different hues and color palettes.

TITLE: Unbelievable Sports – Bowlleyball
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Chip Neville
SEMESTER: Fall 2022
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This project had us create a sports combination that wouldn’t make any sense in the real world. Naturally, I chose Bowlleyball, volleyball with a bowling ball. This project taught me how to bring different objects/people into other backgrounds and critique their lighting in order to make them blend in more. It also tried to show how fliers/social media invites can be effectively made in photoshop.

TITLE: Self Portrait
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Allen Hampton
SEMESTER: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Using just the drawing tool, my final project for Digital Media was to create a self portrait of myself. I could only uses a reference picture of myself, which made it very difficult, but it was amazing to see the image come to life. Figuring out what shading to use for each splotch was the most difficult part, but it taught me that sometime less is more.

TITLE: Restoration Project
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Allen Hampton
SEMESTER: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION:  Given a damaged black and white photo, my job was to use the patch tool in order to hide the crevices and tears in the original photo. After repairing the photo it was my job to try and realistically colorize the photo as well. Finding the right skin tones and colors to use was very challenging and took a few tries, but in the end I was able to restore the photo.

TITLE: Sixes Project
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Photoshop
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Allen Hampton
SEMESTER: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This project required me to use one environment and position myself in several other spots around the room. After doing, so I had to layer and isolate the other versions of myself so we’d all be in the same frame. It also caused me to experiment with brightness levels and the dodge/burn tool to try and make sure all the versions of me blended in well.