Title: Puzzle Pieces

My Role: Writer

Type: Narrative

Duration: 14 pages

Class: FMX 340 Screenwriting Development

Professor: Cynthia Salvagio

Semester: FA 22

Institution: University Of Tampa

This script describes the fallout of a failing relationship that ends bittersweetly, with no one happy. I wrote this as a very personal piece, going through a similar situation, so I wrote this as a way to make myself feel heard.

Title: At the End of Everything

My Role: Writer

Type: Narrative

Duration: 12 pages

Class: FMX 341 Screenwriting Shorts

Professor: Thomas Aquilina

Semester: SP 23

Institution: University Of Tampa

This script is an adaptation of the short story “Last Night of the World” by Ray Bradbury, but transforming it to have characters who live on the street and debate whether dying is worse than living like how they are. I wanted to distance myself from the original story to not tread over similar ground so I made it a think piece about the idea of class struggles rather than about society in general.