0:00 – 1:00
TITLE: Coffee Conundrum
YOUR ROLE: Director, Editor, Audio Producer
MEDIA: Video Collage Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere, Photoshop and After Effects
COURSE: Experimental Filmmaking
TERM: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham

DESCRIPTION: Coffee Conundrum is a visual collage which incorporates childhood cartoons, TikTok audio, political news networks and stunt mouths. Changes in dialogue used 15.ai which can emulate voices of popular characters such as Spongebob Squarepants and Squidward Tentacles. The stunt mouth (Warren Cockerham) was isolated using the Rotobrush 2.0 tool in After Effects, then positioned using keyframes within Premiere. Other VFX work, such as the Krusty Krab menu changes and the Fox News graphics were made within After Effects. Photoshop was used for isolating sections and cleaning still images.

2:05 – 3:05
TITLE: God Complex
YOUR ROLE: Director, Editor, Videographer
MEDIA: Glitch Art & Desktop Performance
SOFTWARE: Premiere, After Effects, Avidemux, Quicktime
CAMERA: Sony A6500, Macbook Pro Late-2013 Webcam
LENSES: 10mm and 30mm
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080 (Website version 1080 x 720)
COURSE: Experimental Filmmaking
TERM: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham

DESCRIPTION: God Complex is a satirical look into the disjointed life of a digital artist constantly engaged in a battle of security and planned obsolescence. All datamoshed footage was collected and glitched before the desktop performance, and subsequently overlaid in a Premiere sequence. Avidemux was used purely for Datamoshing purposes. Both I-frame deletion and P-frame duplication were used in the moshing of video clips. After Effects was used to pixelate certain shots which were then moshed. Desktop performance and text were done live in one take using the built-in webcam of a Macbook Pro Late-2013.