0:00 – 1:00
TITLE: Cult of Shore
YOUR ROLE: Director, Videographer, Editor, Audio Producer
MEDIA: Audio/Visual Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere and Logic Pro X
CAMERA: Sony A6500, DJ Mavic Air 2
LENSES: 10mm, 30mm and 18-105mm

DESCRIPTION: Cult of Shore was shot at various popular fishing locations in Rhode Island, and was created to show the process and “cult” behind shore fisherman. Given these locations were all near open ocean, extra safety planning and cleaning measure were put in place in order to maintain all gear being used. Extreme caution was used when flying the drone, as any potential crash would have been in an unsalvageable location. All audio was produced in Logic Pro X, using audio manipulation methods such as sampling and bitcrushing. Custom LUTs were made during the editing process for color correction purposes. Time-remapping keyframe graphs were used to control pacing of video clips. Not a single fish was caught in the making of this video.

0:35 – 1:35
TITLE: Release My Mind
YOUR ROLE: Director, Videographer, Editor
MEDIA: Video Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere and After Effects
CAMERA: Sony A6500, GoPro Hero7 Black
LENSES: 30mm

DESCRIPTION: Release My Mind was a music video for a Tampa artist and former client known as Zzvicio. Most scenes were shot inside of a shower with a fog machine. Two iPhone flashlights were used as lighting for these scenes. Underwater scenes in a pool were shot with the GoPro. LUTs were custom made in Premiere, meant to add a lot of blue as per client’s request. The demon face was animated in After Effects using mask tracking and the stroke tool, along with procedural drawing applied on the stroke tool in order to create a slow possession (1:35). The editing process took about 30 hours to complete.

0:55 – 1:35
TITLE: Sorrow
YOUR ROLE: Director, Videographer, Editor, Songwriter, Vocalist, Audio Engineer
MEDIA: Audio/Visual Art
SOFTWARE: Premiere and Logic Pro X
CAMERA: Sony A6500, DJ Mavic Air 2
LENSES: 30mm

DESCRIPTION: Sorrow is a song written, performed and recorded by myself. The visual experience is meant to have a retro feel, portraying a loop of various clips captured at Indian Rocks Beach. Custom LUTs were made for realistic color grading as well as very artificial/unnatural colors in the sky. Wave warp, noise, and various other video destruction techniques were used in order to achieve the feel of a VHS tape. Speed keyframe graphs were used to control pacing. Color change with a keyframe graph was applied to the flower (0:26) to make it appear to change color.