TITLE: Interactive Resume
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Premiere
HARDWARE: MacOS Catalina 64-bit
CLASS: FMX 311 Online Production
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
TERM: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The Interactive Resume was created using only HTML and CSS3 code. All assets were optimized for website viewing and server space. An array stores the file names of four audio files produced by myself, one of which is chosen at random to begin playing when the user clicks on “load resume.”
TITLE: Parallax Portfolio
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Premiere
HARDWARE: MacOS Catalina 64-bit
SPECIFICATIONS: Scales to browser window
CLASS: FMX 311 Online Production
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
TERM: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The parallax portfolio involved using Javascript parallax methods to control elements within the webpage using the scroll bar. Assets were optimized in terms of viewing and file size. A random audio file produced by myself is chosen at random once the user clicks the button that greets them. All elements have an interactive component associated with them, allowing the user to essentially communicate with the portfolio.
TITLE: Final Website
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Premiere
HARDWARE: MacOS Catalina 64-bit
SPECIFICATIONS: Scales to browser window
CLASS: FMX 311 Online Production
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
TERM: Spring 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: My final project in Online Production combined Javascript Parallax with JQuery content loading. The basic framework of the website was created. Multiple text files were then created from the <body> portion of the code, which are then used to dynamically swap the contents of the page as the user clicks on the various options in the nav bar. Many elements are controlled on user scroll as well as hovering. The landing page prompts the user to choose a mood, which will begin playing an instrumental produced by myself which corresponds with the chosen mood. Many aspects and design choices were repurposed from the Parallax Portfolio as the presentation gave a unique style to my representation and branding.