TITLE: Python Program 8 – Pokedex
YOUR ROLE: Software Engineer
TERM: Fall 2021
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
PROFESSOR: Dr. Lori Jacques

DESCRIPTION: The Python Pokedex was by far one of the most satisfying projects I got to program throughout CSC 101. The program reads a CSV file line-by-line which contains information for all Pokemon up to Generation 7. This information is then stored in a Pokemon class which contains Name, Ability, and Classification, and appended to a list which contains each of these objects (one object per Pokemon). Since this program is using object oriented programming, the program can interact with the information in a variety of ways. In this instance, the array of objects is sorted via insertion sort by the name within each object. The program then asks users to type in what Pokemon they would like to search and will conduct a binary search throughout all of the objects. Once found, the program displays the name, classification, and abilities of that Pokemon. Sample output is shown above.