Title: Dialogue Project
Duration: 0:07
Display Time: 0:00-0:07
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This project dealt with animating a small snippet of dialogue. This project is certainly not my best work, but it’s what I was able to do with the time I had. But, we do what we can with what we have. And in this case, I used everything I had left to complete this project, and that’s what matters to me the most. I’d much rather it be not up to my standards and complete over being really good but not finished. Such is the reality of a deadline though. It’s due when it is due. However, while I am not in love with the result of this project, I am still proud of what I did accomplish. I’d also say that this project made me despise certain functions of Harmony, like the earlier mentioned pivot point resets. Also, I had a lot of trouble with the actual mouth movements because I really never found a good place to start with them. So in the end I just drew rough mouth shapes based on the mouth openings of the person in the reference video. However, I think that this worked. Although I’d definitely want to have set mouth shapes so that I don’t have a constantly changing mouth shape in terms of line thickness and width. Some consistency is what I am looking for. I had this for the rest of the body which is definitely the only reason I was able to get this project to a point where I was happy submitting it for a grade.
Title: Walk Cycle
Duration: 0:06
Display Time: 0:00-0:06
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This project dealt with animating the walk cycle of a character. This was by far my favorite project in the class. All the swagger that I got to put into the walk was so wonderful because it felt like I was putting a bit of myself into this animation. However, the actual process of making the animation was painful because of how perfect I wanted to be with every detail of every frame. However, in the end, I feel that this painstakingly hard perfectionist work style paid off for me for this project. Also, it’s a bit ironic that the animation I had the most pain making ended up being my favorite of the class. I almost want to go back in and add a beatbox to the character so that the swagger they have is more informed.
Title: Weight Project
Duration: 0:04
Display Time: 0:00-0:04
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This project dealt with animating the weight of a character/object. At this point in the class, it was very obvious that time is my enemy with every project in this class, but specifically with this project. I originally wanted to tell a whole story about a failed heist with the character picking up the diamond and then falling straight backward in a comedic way. However, I was unable to do this and it turned into what it is with the character having a visible struggle picking up the diamond and ultimately failing. Overall though, I had fun with this project because of the whole body overlapping action and the fact that I felt confident in actually doing it this time.
Title: Nightwing Head Turn
Duration: 0:01
Display Time: 0:00-0:01
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This project dealt with animating the head turn of a character. This is by far the most ambitious project I did this semester in terms of my drawing ability. While I think it may have hurt my grade overall, I was stubborn and wanted to try my hand at drawing a pre-existing, non-sack/stick figure character. While this caused me to only be able to animate half of the character’s head turn, I was proud of myself for being able to draw this character without copy-pasting the same shapes the whole time.
Title: Flour Sack Animation
Duration: 0:01
Display Time: 0:00-0:01
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: The fourth project for this class dealt with animating a flour sack performing an action, which was a golf swing in my case. I really liked doing this project because it was the first time we got into human actions. Although on that same note, that is what made the assignment difficult. Humans have a ton of subtleties to any action that they do, and when animating human actions with a non-human character, you can’t always include all those subtleties. Along with that challenge, I had to deviate from the reference material a ton in order to make the movements work with the body of the flour sack.
Title: Overlapping Action
Duration: 0:03
Display Time: 0:00-0:03
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: The third project for this class dealt with overlapping action via a swinging pendulum and a moving platform. I remember this one being super hard because of the overlapping action. This was the first time my object was moving multiple ways at the same time, so it was very hard to figure out the positions of the in-betweens. Overall, though, I liked this project because of the way that all these pieces came together to make an action happen. However, this is when I discovered the pains of the pivot point and how it moves every time you select any object, even if it is the same one that was just selected.
Title: Bouncing Ball
Duration: 0:02
Display Time: 0:00-0:02
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: The second project for this class dealt with bouncing a ball. While that part was relatively easy, this project was really ambitious for me at the time because of the swinging target. Even though it was not the main focus of the assignment, the bouncing ball was, the target was fun because of the challenge that it brought to the project. To me, I thought it was cool having an object that was “interactive” in terms of having its own “life” instead of just the ball moving around.
Title: Timing and Spacing pt 2
Duration: 0:05
Display Time: 0:00-0:05
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: Continuing with the first project for my 2d Animation class, we continued with some more of the basic principles of animation. Similar to the first part of this project, I had some trouble keeping shapes consistent but I wasn’t too concerned with this yet as it was only the first project.
Title: Timing and Spacing pt 1
Duration: 0:01
Display Time: 0:00-0:01
My Role: Animator
Type: Animation
Software: Toon Boom Harmony
Class: FMX 238 2D Animation 1
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: For the first project for my 2d Animation class, we started off with some simple timing and spacing exercises. However, this was a bit of a challenge when I did it. The one thing this assignment taught me from the start is that I needed to figure out how to keep shapes of characters and such consistent as I am not a very skilled drawer.
Title: Out of Time
Duration: 0:40
Display Time: 0:00-0:23
My Role: Director/Animator/Editor
Type: Animation
Software: Photoshop
Class: FMX 210 Digital Media
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Semester: FA 21
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: For the final project for the Digital Media class, I was tasked with making a 30 second animation with 5 seconds of credits. While I really enjoyed this project, I wish I had more time to complete it as I was unable to finish it all using rotoscope, so I had to transition to some different photoshop effects in the middle of the video in order to finish the assignment on time. With more time I definitely would have been able to fully rotoscope this animation.