Title: 3D Animation 1 Demo Reel
Duration: 0:51
Display Time: 0:00-0:51
My Role: Animator/Modeler
Type: 3d Animation
Software: Maya 2023
Class: FMX 317 3D Animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This Demo Reel combines the midterm and final project from this class into one video. The midterm was all about modeling and texturing a 3d object, which in my case is a rocket main fuel silo and booster set. I tried for a long time to model the Space Shuttle attached to the rest of the object but was unsuccessful in this attempt. For the final, the task was to model, texture, and animate a 3d character. I originally tried modeling Optimus Prime, but this task proved to be too difficult for the level of skill I had from the class. So instead, I modeled a simpler robot and animated it’s walk cycle and the action. This class was not one that I ended up enjoying very much, yet I still want to tackle more in the world of 3d Animation. But the actual animation part is not what I hated about the class; the modeling was. Ultimately though I think this was because I felt I was lacking in a lot of the fundamentals and problem solving abilities needed when 3d modeling. But nonetheless I plan on learning about motion capture, an area I have held an interest in for a long time but have never actually explored.
Title: Basic Human Body
Duration: 0:04
Display Time: 0:00-0:04
My Role: Animator/Modeler
Type: 3d Animation
Software: Maya 2023
Class: FMX 317 3D Animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This project was right after the Bomberman project and was used to reinforce the ideas from the previous project. Unlike Bomberman which was accompanied by a tutorial, this project was not. I think this helped me as I was forced to pay more attention to every action I took to model this body in order to not screw something up. However I’m sure if this was actually animated there would be a plethora of mistakes and problems with the model. Overall though this project helped me the most before the final as I was actually learning the why behind actions used to model Bomberman. However this was not always the case with every project in this class, and some fix I had for this would not always work with the next project.
Title: Bomberman
My Role: Modeler
Type: 3d Animation
Software: Maya 2023
Class: FMX 317 3D Animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: Bomberman was the first character we modeled as part of this class. This project was more annoying to do then hard because it was all spelled out for me step by step in a tutorial video provided by our teacher. However I think, for me at least, while following a tutorial helps me achieve a specific end result I don’t always understand the reasons behind doing things and that makes it difficult to transfer knowledge over from something like this to a project where there is no manual.
Title: Texturing Objects
My Role: Modeler
Type: 3d Animation
Software: Maya 2023
Class: FMX 317 3D Animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: While these objects were technically two seperate projects, the learning goals of both were the same. That goal was to learn about the difference having texture on 3d objects makes. While this project was cool and exposed me to the different possibilities of lighting in an animated world, the drawback is that I only really learned how to apply the specific textures provided instead of a more general application of textures. I ran into this issue during my final project when I downloaded a texture from a website (Poligon.com) and had no idea what I needed to place where in order to achieve the desired look. But, with all the projects of this class, while the class itself may have not been great I am excited to explore more of 3d animation in the future.
Title: 3D House and Toy Train
My Role: Modeler
Type: 3d Animation
Software: Maya 2023
Class: FMX 317 3D Animation 1
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: The first and second projects of this class, the toy train and the colorful house. The point of these projects was to introduce the class to the very basic modeling principles we would be going further in-depth in later in the class. These projects were both demoed live in class, which was one of the few times this actually happened in our class.