Title: TV Series Intro

Duration: 1:01

Display Time: 0:00-1:01

My Role: Editor

Software: Premiere Pro

Class: FMX 343 Advanced Post Production

Professor: Dana Plays

Semester: SP 24

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For this project I was tasked with creating a series intro for an idea I pitched earlier in the semester in a style similar to that used by “True Detective”. This style calls for the layering of multiple video tracks and using the luma key effect to blend the layers together. My pitch was about a group called the Superhero Emergency Response Team, a group of people who deploy into the areas surrounding a super person battle and help control the area and get civillians away from harm. While the intro I made doesn’t exactly fit this pitch as I was limited by the media I could find off the internet, I still think the intro gets the general idea of saving people from super battles. While I am not dissappointed with the result of this project, if I had another go I would’ve liked to explore using masks to make specific shapes with the luma key effect.

Title: Bullet Train ADR

Duration: 2:31

Display Time: 1:30-2:10

My Role: Actor/Sound Recordist/Editor

Type: Scene ADR

Softwares: Pro Tools and Premiere Pro

Class: FMX 343 Advanced Post Production

Professor: Dana Plays

Semester: SP 24

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For this project I was tasked with recording ADR for a scene from a feature film. The film I chose was David Leitch’s “Bullet Train”. For this project, I decided it would be easiest for me to voice all three characters. While I know I am not an actor of any sort, it was fun to have an excuse to try and match the character’s accents. This project also helped give me a little bit of insight into the difficulties of being a voice over actor. Overall this is a project I thoroughly enjoyed recording, but did not have a fun time editing as sound editing is one of my weakest areas of expertise.

Title: Made on Earth by Humans Director’s Commentary

Duration: 3:12

Display Time: 2:00-3:12

My Role: Director/Editor

Type: Director’s Commentary

Software: Premiere Pro

Class: FMX 343 Advanced Post Production

Professor: Dana Plays

Semester: SP 24

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For this project I was tasked with creating a director’s commentary for a film I had previously directed while at UT. I chose to commentate about my experimental film “Made on Earth by Humans”. I chose this film because I really enjoyed the process of making it and wanted to relive the experience again. Overall this project was a fun one because it gave me the chance to get behind the scenes of what happens whenever a director’s commentary is made for a feature film.

Title: Davinci Resolve Color Grading Reel 3

Duration: 0:30

Display Time: 0:00-0:23

My Role: Editor/Colorist

Software: Davinci

Class: FMX 343 Advanced Post Production

Professor: Dana Plays

Semester: SP 24

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For this project I was tasked with following a series of tutorials on the different abilities of the color page located in the editing software Davinci Resolve. While there were three of these reels completed, in my opinion this reel was the best one of the three. While it was great to learn about the color pane and how to create specific looks, I feel that when trying to apply these skills to my own projects I wouldn’t be able to use the tools correctly. I found that much of the process of this project was following the tutorial and plugging in the numbers they had for specific parameters instead of experimenting with the different tools to really understand how I can effectively use them for my own projects.

Title: Avatar: The Way of Water Title Recreation

Duration: 0:07

My Role: Editor

Type: After Effects Title

Software: After Effects

Class: FMX 343 Advanced Post Production

Professor: Dana Plays

Semester: SP 24

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For this project I was tasked with recreating the “Avatar: The Way of Water” logo. I was given a short tutorial to follow in order to complete this project. Overall, this was a weird project to include in the class as it was the only After Effects project in the entire class. On top of that, I have a similar problem with this assignment as I do with the color reel above. Following the tutorial was good for getting the desired end result, but doesn’t help me with any future projects I want to create titles in After Effects for as I have no real knowledge of the workings of the program.

Title: The News

Duration: 5:37

Display Time: 2:20-2:45

My Role: Editor

Type: Narrative

Software: Avid Media Composer

Class: FMX 343 Advanced Post Production

Professor: Dana Plays

Semester: SP 24

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For this project I was tasked with editing the same scene together three seperate times, each conveying a different emotion within the same scene. This project was also edited using the multi-cam editor within Avid. This project was a fun one to complete as I quite enjoyed the multi-cam editing as it is very similar to live-editing a broadcast using a camera switcher. Overall this project showed me that while I am not fond editing, I wouldn’t mind editing a multi-cam production.