Title: Inside Cole Corcoran
Duration: 3:03
Display Time: 2:14-2:45
My Role: Actor/Co-Gaffer
Type: Scene Recreation
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 324 Cinematography
Professor: Warren Cockerham
Semester: FA 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: For the final project of the Cinematography class, my group was tasked with recreating a scene from a movie. The scene we ended up choosing was from the Coen brothers film “Inside Llewyn Davis”. For this project we were unable to find an actual actor so I volunteered to act in the project as I did not have one of the main roles needed for the set. However while I did act in this piece I also had my fair share of input in the recreation of the lighting of the piece with fellow student and main gaffer for this piece, Francessca Ippolito. At the end of the day this project was a fun one to do because of the challenges with recreating a scene as best as possible.
Title: Lighthouse Still Recreation
Duration: 0:36
Display Time: 0:27
My Role: Actor/Co-Gaffer/Editor
Type: Still Recreation
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 324 Cinematography
Professor: Warren Cockerham
Semester: FA 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: For our first real lighting challenge of the class, my group, along with the others, were tasked with recreating the lighting of a still from the movie “Lighthouse”. This project was a fun one to be a part of as it was great to work with my partners and helped give me a better sense of how people closer to my grade year operated trying to work towards a common goal.
Title: Life in the Third Person
Duration: 3:09
Display Time: 2:15-3:09
My Role: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Experimental
Camera: Akaso Brave 4 and Canon T3I
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 324 Cinematography
Professor: Warren Cockerham
Semester: FA 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This project was all about making a homemade camera rig and showcasing its capabilities. For my rig, I chose to make a third person camera rig to try and capture the popular video game camera perspective. As mentioned at the beginning of the video, I got motion sickness while editing the footage together. That is the one thing I would change about this rig is trying to stabilize the camera even more. Overall this was a fun project just because I was able to experiement with different ways to get a desired look.
Title: Runway Continuity
Duration: 2:30
Display Time: 2:00-2:30
My Role: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Narrative
Camera: Canon 5D Mk 4
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 324 Cinematography
Professor: Warren Cockerham
Semester: FA 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: The focus of this project was all about continuity. So in order to achieve this, I wanted to have a “fashion show” because I thought it would be a unique way to showcase my ability to have continuity within a piece. While I would obviously light this piece better nowadays, the one thing I definitely would change is the camera I used. While I don’t remember the specific settings, I do remember that I hated the limitations of the Canon 5D Mk 4 camera such as the very tiny screen and the lack of a focus assist. This project was the first and last time I ever willingly chose to use the Mk 4 for a project of mine.