Title: The Personification of Beauty
Duration: 3:46
Display Time: 2:13-3:36
My Role: Art Director/Co-Gaffer (uncredited)/Extra
Type: Experimental
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 331 Creative Triangle
Professor: Nora Long
Semester: FA 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: For this project, Zoe Swanson and Heidi Abramavicus wanted to make a project that was a commentary on the way female beauty is percieved in our world by multiple different groups of people, which in this case was a best friend, a mom, and a cheating boyfriend. I was immediately on board with this project as I knew that the theater prop shop had a bunch of props and furniture that ended up being used to help build out the world we were in. As my first proper experience as an Art Director, this was an interesting film to work on as a lot of it, specifically what women wear in different places and situations, I was unfamiliar with so I had to lean on my group mates suggestions for much of this piece. Nonetheless this was a great project to be a part of and only strengthened the creative partnership I have with Heidi and Zoe.
Title: Ghost Girl
Duration: 2:22
Display Time: 0:58-1:19
My Role: Gaffer
Type: Narrative
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Class: FMX 331 Creative Triangle
Professor: Nora Long
Semester: FA 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This film was a class project for Creative Triangle. While it is one of the more recent works in my portfolio, it is definately not one that is very strong in terms of the quality of the lighting work done for it. This was due to the fact that we had a last minute location change, not enough of the preferred equipment, only two hours to shoot, and the fact that the Director and DP were not on the same page with lighting. I had prepped for the location we lost right before shooting, so I had to quickly come up with a new plan, which turned into mainly using the light available from the overheads and the projector with an Apurture MC to augment the projector light.
Title: 2049 Jump Street
Duration: 5:25
Display Time: 3:23-4:18
My Role: Director
Type: Narrative
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 331 Creative Triangle
Professor: Nora Long
Semester: FA 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: For this project my group was tasked with recreating a scene from a movie while using the various variables given for us to include. Since I was the director for this project, I chose to do the theater audition scene from “21 Jump Street”. Our variables were to make the world Cyberpunk, to include bread in every scene, and to have all of our characters wear high socks. Since the movie deals with drugs, I decided to substitute those with the bread. Overall I had a great time working on this project. However there were some disagreements with the way the DP wanted to film the project and the way I wanted to. I felt that I could have been more authoritative with the visuals of the film, but I knew that it wasn’t worth having a fight over for this project.
Title: The Little Princess
Duration: 3:46
Display Time: 1:47-2:52
My Role: DP
Type: Narrative
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 331 Creative Triangle
Professor: Nora Long
Semester: FA 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: For this project my group was tasked with putting a modern spin on a movie in the public domain. Our director, Zoe Swanson, chose to rework the ending scene of “The Little Princess” into a museum heist. For this project, I thought it would be cool to attempt a series of long takes put together to create the illusion of the film being a one-shot. While this project is not a great representation of a one-shot, I had a lot of fun planning out the camera movements and basing the blocking and such off of them in order to attempt to create the effect. While I did not get the outcome I desired, I definately hope to have another shot at making a one-shot film.