Title: Cancel Culture in Stand-Up Comedy

Duration: 8:12

Display Time: 6:05-6:48

My Role: Director/Editor/DP/Producer

Type: Documentary

Camera: Blackmagic 4k

Software: Davinci Resolve

Class: FMX 313 Documentary Production

Professor: Aaron Walker

Semester: FA 22

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For this documentary I wanted to explore the stand-up comedy scene in Tampa as well as the national scene and social media as experienced by a multitude of comedians and club owners. This project started when I had the opportunity to film UT alum J.B. Ball during the week leading up to the taping of his first comedy special as well as working as part of the crew for the special taping. Being able to experience a side of the local community I had never been a part of was a very rewarding experience for me. It was also awesome to get to finally experience live comedy after seeing it online for so many years prior. Overall this project is one of the highlights of my time at UT. While there is a ton I would do differently, such as film in raw instead of Apple Pro Res, I am proud of the work I accomplished with this film.

Title: The Cage

Duration: 5:36

Display Time: 0:00-0:39

My Role: Director/Editor/DP

Type: Documentary

Camera: Blackmagic 4k

Software: Premiere Pro

Class: FMX 313 Documentary Production

Professor: Aaron Walker

Semester: FA 22

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: This film is another observational documentary, but this time instead of being a part of the film while observing my surroundings, I chose to observe without intruding on what was happening in the space. I chose to be a fly on the wall. Filming this project was the easiest part. It was post-production that made this project into one that would help shape me as a filmmaker. I had always usually gone about post by just putting things in order or by what sounded the best. But since this project was mostly visual, I had to spend more time analyzing each clip and placing things together based on gaining and keeping the attention of the viewer through only visuals. This project helped me better appreciate the work editors do for all types of film.

Title: UT Old vs New Exploration

Duration: 4:51

Display Time: 0:45-1:05

My Role: Co-Director/Co-Writer/Co-Editor/Co-DP

Type: Documentary

Camera: Panasonic Camcorder

Software: Premiere Pro

Class: FMX 313 Documentary Production

Professor: Aaron Walker

Semester: FA 22

Institution: University Of Tampa

Description: For the first project of Documentary class we (Kara Cusson and I) were tasked with making a micro-documentary between 3 and 5 minutes in length. For this, we chose an observational style and chose to record ourselves taking a tour of both Plant Hall and the newest building on campus at the time, the Tech Building. As is obvious throughout the film, I had a lot of fun making this project as I just had the freedom to be silly as we were exploring these spaces. Also, we chose to film this documentary using one of the old camcorders that was randomly found living in the cage. This was fun as it gave the whole film a “home movie” feel instead of something that we took very seriously.