Title: The Summoning
My Role: Director
Type: Narrative
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Semester: SP 24
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This film, which is DKA’s Spring 2024 production, was the first production DKA had done since 2022. The film is about a group of high schoolers who attempt to summon a demon until the summoning goes wrong and instead they summon an angel. While this film will turn out to be alright, I know there is a lot I would change about the way both the pre-production and production went. Most notably, due to the timing of getting this production off the ground and a script written I only had a week and a half to get everything together to shoot this project. That combined with people’s already busy schedules did not help this film’s chances of being great. However myself and the rest of the crew did the best with what we had and the result is a good start for the future of productions done by DKA.

Title: Tangled Vines
Director: Luke Dye
My Role: Gaffer
Type: Narrative
Semester: SP 24
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: My third film working with Luke as the director. This time, he did most of the prep work on the gaffing side as this was a project for a class of his that came together quite quickly. Before I stepped foot on set, Luke had shot some test footage and put together a brochure-like document detailing the general look he wanted for each part of the room we shot this film in. Once on set, it was just a matter of slightly adjusting things in order to get it exactly how he wanted it. Zoe, who was the DP, had also worked with Luke on the test footage, but Luke took charge when it came to explaining lighting. Overall I think this is the best project in terms of lighting prep that I have been a part of.

Title: Untitled Musical Project
Director: Zoe Swanson
My Role: Gaffer
Type: Narrative
Semester: SP 24
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: Zoe wanted to create a musical as a part of an independent study she took throughout this spring semester. This project was interesting as I had to work with two DPs instead of one due to scheduling conflicts. I tried my best to get into Zoe’s head and understand exactly what she wanted with lighting for this film through several meetings as well as a lookbook and lighting notes for specific scenes. While this project turned out wonderful from what I have seen, I wish that the DPs of the project focused a bit more on the lighting aspect then just the camera side of things. As has happened with a lot of films I have been apart of, I often see myself asking the director instead of the DP about what the lighting should be for a scene. While it is the director’s vision that should be followed, I think it should be the DP and gaffer worrying about lighting while on set instead of always bothering the director with lighting questions.

Title: 500 Milligrams
Director: Clay Cockfield
My Role: Gaffer
Type: Narrative
Semester: SP 24
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: Just like Luke, Clay is a film minor at UT. He also wanted to make a film the “proper” way by using an actual camera instead of his iPhone for the first time. The DP for this project was Luke Dye, and as a fellow gaffer he and I were able to work together well in order to turn the vision Clay had into a reality. Overall while this project had its ups and downs, I gained some valuable experience by helping out on this set.

Title: Losing Time
Director: Luke Dye
My Role: Gaffer
Type: Experimental
Semester: SP 24
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This was my second project working with Luke as director. He made this project for an art class of his as he was able to convince his teacher to let him make a film instead of drawing something. We built upon the foundation we constructed while working together back in the fall semester. The fun part of this shoot was that Luke wanted to shoot day for night, so I got the chance to go through the adventure that is trying to create a nighttime environment during the day.

Title: Shut Up and Listen
Director: Luke Dye
My Role: Gaffer
Type: Narrative
Semester: FA 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This was the first project I worked as gaffer for Luke. He made this film just because he wanted to and didn’t have any production classes in the fall semester as he is a film minor. I definitely learned a lot from this project, but this was a good foundation to build a creative partnership with Luke and everyone else on the crew.
Title: The Chase
Duration: 3:00
Display Time: 1:39-2:47
My Role: Director/Co-Writer
Type: Narrative
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Davinci Resolve
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: I made this film as a part of the 2nd AGBO 48 hour film festival. I thought it would be fun to gather a bunch of filmmakers and make a short film as a part of a 48 hour film festival, so that’s exactly what I did. As one of my first directorial outings, there is a lot I would change if I were to make this film again (like not make it in 48 hours), but overall this was just meant to be a fun project to help bond with some fellow UT filmmakers.