Title: Dale Segway: Go Kart Racer
Duration: 32 pages
My Role: Writer
Type: Narrative
Software: Final Draft 12
Class: FMX 340 Screenwriting Development
Professor: Cynthia Savaglio
Semester: FA 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This script, which I was originally going to write as a short film, is a comedy film heavily inspired by “Talladega Nights”. It is about a down on his luck Formula One driver, Dale Segway, and his tale of personal growth while racing in a go karting league with the goal of getting back into Formula One. This was my first solo attempt at writing comedy and I learned a lot throughout the process about the differences between being funny verbally and being funny on paper. I definately got caught in some traps when trying to think of funny things to say and actions to do, but overall I think this script is a good starting point in terms of building my characters for when I eventually turn this into a short film like I originally intended.
Title: Death is Not the End
Duration: 8 pages
My Role: Writer
Type: Narrative
Software: Final Draft 12
Class: FMX 341 Screenwriting Shorts
Professor: Thomas Aquilina
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This script, which is a modern-day adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s “The Last Night of the World”, is all about a young couple who is faced with the death of their 6 year-old son and their experience before finally deciding to let him pass on. This script was by far the best one I made for this class, and I think it’s because I had the source material at my disposal to help give me a general structure to the story. That is something I struggle with whenever I write something because I am constantly second guessing my choices. Having that reference that already was proven to work helped me focus more on the actual content of what I was writing instead of the best way to structure it to effectively put across my ideas.
Title: Booze Boy
Duration: 26 pages
My Role: Co-Writer
Type: Narrative
Software: Final Draft 12
Class: FMX 341 Screenwriting Shorts
Professor: Thomas Aquilina
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This script, which is a spin on the pilot episode of “New Girl”, is all about three college girls who are forced to live in a house with a cranky old man after they are kicked out of their sorority. This project was an interesting, but rewarding one to write as it was the first time I had ever written anything with a group of writers instead of just myself. While there is definately a lot I would change in this script, especially after receiving feedback, overall this project helped give me some insight into working on one script with multiple writers.
Title: Nobody Wins in War
Duration: 16 pages
My Role: Writer
Type: Narrative
Software: Final Draft 12
Class: FMX 341 Screenwriting Shorts
Professor: Thomas Aquilina
Semester: SP 23
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This script is all about the unfortunate reality that nobody really wins in war and how one soldier comes to understand this concept. I chose to take the concept of the Koboyashi Maru (The unwinable situation) from “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan” and adapt it from a space setting into a more grounded setting. My goal was to communicate that at the end of the day, war is the ultimate unwinable situation and that the sooner one accepts this unfortunate reality the sooner they can shift their mentality from one of trying to escape death to one of accepting it while still trying to save as many as possible.
Title: Into the Unknown
Duration: 26 pages
My Role: Writer
Type: Narrative
Software: Final Draft 12
Class: FMX 240 Screenwriting Fundamentals
Professor: Taylor Curry
Semester: SP 22
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This script is all about an astronaut who survives some terrible accidents in space, including the death of his mission partner, who comes home and has to try and find a new meaning in his life. This was my first time writing a “proper” script where the story, characters, themes, etc. were all thought out well before putting the first word on paper. It was definately a different experience from what I had been doing up to this point, but the new way, and better way, of writing has helped me understand the importance of planning and just how thought out even a bad movie is, let alone a good movie.