Title: Lost in Translation
Duration: 6:00
Display Time: 3:46-4:22
My Role: Director/Writer/Editor/DP
Type: Narrative
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 241 Sound, Image, and Motion
Professor: Taylor Curry
Semester: FA 21
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This film is about a college kid, Luca, who is having trouble with online dating. His grandfather takes him on a journey to help Luca discover that meeting people online is inferior to meeting people in person. The film includes a few crazy hijinks from the grandfather, all with the message to go out into the world. This project was inspired by my hatred of online dating apps as well as some of the crazy, definitely not true stories my late grandfather would tell about his youth and how he came to know my grandmother. All I can really say about how this film went is that it was a fun time to make, but there was never any thought past what was on the page or past the basics of things like cinematography. Looking back, it feels like a project I would make now to satisfy a requirement instead of actually putting effort behind it.
Title: The Importance of Academic Advising
Duration: 8:35
Display Time: 0:00-0:44
My Role: Director/Writer/Editor/DP
Type: Documentary
Softwares: Zoom and Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 241 Sound, Image, and Motion
Professor: Taylor Curry
Semester: FA 21
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: This documentary project focuses on the importance of academic advising for college students as told by the experiences of Kathy Noonan, a First-Year class teacher, among other jobs, at Colorado University of Boulder. Originally I wanted to include some interviews from the perspective of students at UT as well, but unfortunately, different technical difficulties did not allow me to include these interviews. It’s actually interesting looking back at this project after having taken the documentary class at UT and seeing the foundation in the world of documentary that SIM, as well as high school, gave me.
Title: Life View
Duration: 2:34
Display Time: 0:00-0:30
My Role: Director/Editor/DP
Type: Experimental
Camera: Blackmagic 4k
Software: Premiere Pro
Class: FMX 241 Sound, Image, and Motion
Professor: Taylor Curry
Semester: FA 21
Institution: University Of Tampa
Description: My first film at UT as well as my first experimental film focuses on the view that people are just as much a part of our environment as our environment is a apart of us. I took some pieces of different recorded lectures given by Alan Watts and used them as the soundtrack to this piece to reinforce what is happening on the screen with the paint and the images of the local UT campus environment. I think overall this project maybe should not have been the first project I did at UT as I feel this was the best of the three I made in SIM, but I do believe this film was a good foundation for my future at UT.