Title: SBBC 3 Recap Video

Duration: 2:05

Display Time: 0:00-1:00

My Role: Videographer/Editor

Type: Narrative

Camera: Canon 6d

Software: Davinci Resolve

Semester: FA 23

Description: This project was one of the last I completed for my internship at SOFWERX. The purpose of this video was to give viewers, current partners, and potential partners a quick and easily digestable recap of a bi-annual event SOFWERX holds called Small Business Boot Camp. This video was specifically for the third iteration of this event.

Title: Project CLAWS

Duration: 4:06

Display Time: 1:13-2:24

My Role: Videographer/Editor

Type: Narrative

Camera: Canon 6d

Software: Premiere Pro

Semester: S 23

Description: This project was the first I completed during my internship at SOFWERX. This video was all about taking the explanation of a project that was built in house and creating a more digestable and easy to understand video detailing the process of completing the project from start to finish.