Description: This project is one of my favorites because of how awesome it is. After watching Interstellar and seeing the black hole in the movie, I went searching to see how it might be possible to create something like that. After watching a few tutorials, I was able to finally make a blackhole. The next step for me was to create this same blackhole in Eevee, so that I could animate it in real time. The way nodes work is slightly different for Eevee and Cycles so that’s an ongoing process.
Title: Poisoned
Role: Modeler and Designer
Media: 3D animation
Software: Blender
Hardware: Windows 10
Specifications: 1920×1080
Class: Personal
Professor: DUCKY 3D
Semester/Term: Fall 2020
Institution: YouTube
Description: This is one of the many renders I made for this project. The focus for me was to make sure that all the colors played well together to create something that was visually appealing.
Title: My Custom Chess Set
Role: Modeler and Designer
Media: 3D Animation
Software: Maya
Hardware: Windows 10
Specifications: 1920×1080
Class: Personal
Semester/Term: Summer 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
Description: This was a personal project to design and create my own chess set. I also took the time to create custom materials for the pieces to make them look like porcelain pieces. The lighting was created from an HDRI dome in Maya.
Title: 3D Animation Club
Role: Modeler and Designer
Media: 3D animation
Software: Maya
Hardware: Windows 10
Specifications: 1920×1080
Class: Personal
Semester/Term: Fall 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
Description: This render was made so that the 3D Animation Club that I helped create could have a nice logo while paying homage to the 21st Century logo/intro.
Title: Node progression
Role: Modeler and Designer
Media: 3D animation
Software: Maya
Hardware: Windows 10
Specifications: 1920×1080
Class: Personal
Semester/Term: Fall 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
Description: This project shows the progression of my work with the Hypershade menu in Maya. This shows not only what I made, but how I got there. Each orb is a slight improvement to the last. One thing that I wish I was able to do is place the corresponding node map under each of the orbs to also show the progression there.
Title: Happy Bee
Role: Modeler and Designer
Media: 3D animation
Software: Maya
Hardware: Windows 10
Specifications: 1920×1080
Class: Animation for Interactivity and Games
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Semester/Term: Fall 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
Description: In the process of making this, I was trying to hone some of the foundational skills in the Hypershade menu of Maya.
Title: Cool Sword
Role: Modeler
Media: 3D animation
Software: Maya
Hardware: Windows 10
Specifications: 1920×1080
Class: Animation for Interactivity and Games
Professor: Marcio Goncalves
Semester/Term: Fall 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
Description: This was a warm-up model for the Animation for Interactivity and Games class; and for me it was good practice to see how well I could make the model, along with how quickly I would be able to complete the model, texture it, and render out an image.