Animation Our character succumbs to his OCD and is traveling through the intestine, trying to escape his fears. Construction paper animation, excerpt from a larger experimental piece. TITLE: Into the IntestinesMEDIA: Construction paper Short AnimationSOFTWARE: Adobe PremiereSPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080 H.264CLASS: COM 314: Experimental FilmmakingPROFESSOR: Warren CockerhamSEMESTER / TERM: FA 18 INSTITUTION: University of Tampa LINK: After the intestines, our character experiences outer space. Excerpt from a larger Experimental Film. TITLE: Into Outer SpaceMEDIA: Toy and Clay stop motion animation. SOFTWARE: Adobe PremiereSPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080 H.264CLASS: COM 314: Experimental FilmmakingPROFESSOR: Warren CockerhamSEMESTER / TERM: FA 18 INSTITUTION: University of Tampa LINK: