Please watch 0:37 to 1:07
Title: Day of the Dead
Your Role: Director, Cinematographer, VFX, Editor
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Camera: Canon T4I
Specifications: 1920 X1080p, H.264 24FPS
Class: FMX 314-1 Experimental Filmmaking
Professor: Dana Plays
Semester/Term: FA 2021
Institution: University of Tampa

Professor Plays demonstrated how to set up numerous types of stop motion projects in class. This was extremely helpful to get me to think outside of the box and come up with this film. I am really proud of this one.

Please watch 0:15 to 0:49
I apologize in advance for not being able to get that 1:08 of life back if you watched the whole thing. Th

Title: Save the Cows. Please!
Your Role: Director, Cinematographer, VFX, Editor
Software: Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro
Camera: Canon T4I
Specifications: 1920 X1080p, H.264 3FPS (480P for portfolio)
Class: FMX 210
Professor: Ty Stude
Semester/Term: FA 2020
Institution: University of Tampa

This was my first attempt in stop motion. I am not sure why we did it in photoshop. I learned that you should not try to get a focusing effect when there are only 3 frames per second. Also, I should have bought a better little plastic dude, he was constantly falling over. I could use some help on how to light greenscreen, as you can tell it was not very even. We were suppose to add music using Garage Band, but being a PC user I attempted FL Studio. The music that sounded good were samples and loops. The last 2 were my attempts. I then place it in Premiere in order to get a final product. This one will not be on Vimeo…