Please watch from 0:09 to 0:39
Title: Restless Dreams
Your Role: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Special Effects Artist
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Camera: Canon T3I/T4I
Specifications: 1920 X1080p, H.264 24FPS
Class: FMX 314-1 Experimental
Professor: Dana Plays
Semester/Term: FA 2021
Institution: University of Tampa
Experimental class forced us to hone in on one skill at a time to allow us to expand how we thought it could be used. In this fill the goal was to concentrate of the opacity of layers and how it could affect the mood of the film.
Please watch from 0:15 to 0:45.
Title: Dreamscape
Your Role: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Special Effects Artist
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Camera: Canon T3I/T4I
Specifications: 1920 X1080p, H.264 24FPS (480P for the portfolio)
Class: FMX 241-3 Sound, Image, and Motion
Professor: Zach Powell
Semester/Term: FA 2020
Institution: University of Tampa
This was my first experimental film. The smoke effect was made in a cloud tank and the storm sounds were recorded during one of Tampa’s famous evening lightning storms. This was my first time using a camera in manual mode for film.