Title: Last Words
Media: Narrative
Software: Final Draft
Hardware: Windows Laptop
Specifications: Short Story
Class: FMX 240-1 Introduction to Screenwriting
Professor: Aaron Walker
Semester/Term: FA 2020
Institution: University of Tampa

This is a short story about a research scientist that gets fired from his job due to his unethical experiments and is afraid to tell his wife. The wife gets angry over his weird hours at work assuming its a cover for an affair. She dies unexpectedly and he must use his experiment to set the record straight.

Title: The Bone
Media: Narrative
Software: Final Draft
Hardware: Windows Laptop
Specifications: Short Story
Class: FMX 241-3 Sound, Image, and Motion
Professor: Zach Powell
Semester/Term: FA 2020
Institution: University of Tampa

This is a short story about a dog finding an alien bone near a military base that gives her powers. It can be watched in the Narrative section.

Title: Mancave
Media: Narrative
Software: Final Draft
Hardware: Windows Laptop
Specifications: Short Story
Class: FMX 240-1 Introduction to Screenwriting
Professor: Aaron Walker
Semester/Term: FA 2020
Institution: University of Tampa

This was an exercise in which I had to listen into a conversation and turn it into a story. Due to COVID I had my husband bring a tape recorder to the barber shop and got permission to record their conversation. It is now a story about two aliens that are pretending to be human discussing the effect of artificial intelligence on humans.

Title: Full Moon
Media: Narrative
Software: Final Draft
Hardware: Windows Laptop
Specifications: Short Story
Class: FMX 240-1 Introduction to Screenwriting
Professor: Aaron Walker
Semester/Term: FA 2020
Institution: University of Tampa

This was an exercise on monologs. For me it’s an idea for a TV series. Claire is a runaway because she was bitten by a werewolf and nearly killed her foster mom the first night of her change. She now hides from society and tries to feel better about herself by only eating bad people.