INTERNSHIP WORK Online PDF collateral Page in a WordPress site, where I created an online table of elements. Main page for the security table website. TITLE: Rockwell SiteMEDIA: Website TemplateSOFTWARE: Photoshop and cssHARDWARE: iMac Os X TITLE: Meeting ManagerMEDIA: Print SOFTWARE: AdobeIllustratorHARDWARE: iMac Os X TITLE: Connect Lite templateMEDIA: Website TemplateSOFTWARE: AdobeIllustrator, CSS for implementationHARDWARE: iMac Os X TITLE: Code Sample of Site MEDIA: DesignDESCRIPTION: A sample of code my supervisor and I are working on for our Online voting security site. The site is in-progress and not live to the public yet so I could not include a visual for you but here is the next best thing.