DISPLAY TIME: 1:30- 2:48
TITLE: new.
YOUR ROLE: Director, Editor, Producer
TYPE: Narrative
CAMERA: Blackmagic 4k Pocket Camera
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080 H.264
CLASS: Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
SEMESTER / TERM: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

This was our final project for this class and we spent the entire semester working on it. It is about a quiet and shy girl who transfers to a private school full of snooty mean girls who never give her a break. This was my first big set I worked on with me as the director and editor so there were many learning curves thrown my way. I had to shorten the script down and remove a few characters seeing that I didn’t have the actors or time to add those scenes. I can definitely improve on the sound and continuity errors in this project so I have taken that into consideration with my newer projects.

DISPLAY TIME: 0:00-1:00
TITLE: Basketball
YOUR ROLE: Director, Editor, Producer
TYPE: Narrative
CAMERA: Blackmagic 4k Pocket Camera
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080 H.264
CLASS: Narrative Production
PROFESSOR: Taylor Curry
SEMESTER / TERM: 2022 Fall Semester
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

For this project we had to make coverage and practice continuity. So in this video two boys are having a casual game of basketball, until chaos strikes. I could definitely work on my continuity, seeing as though I cross the 180 degree line a few times but added a sound track which I believe fits nicely with the action.

DISPLAY TIME: 2:50-3:30
TITLE: The Ghost of Falk Theater
YOUR ROLE: Director, Editor, Producer
TYPE: Narrative
CAMERA: Blackmagic 4k Pocket Camera
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920×1080 H.264
CLASS: Sound Image and Motion
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
SEMESTER / TERM: 2022 Spring Semester
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

This was our final SIM project. We were told to make a story with some experimental aspects to it. We decided to make a mockumentary about a ghost who is trapped at the University of Tampa and the interviewers help her come back to life. Seeing as this was my first time hitting the big red button to record on an actual camera, this video definitely has some bumps. I was still getting used to editing on premiere pro, and we just learned how to work the zoom. Another obstacle was how we filmed on one of the last days of school so the labs were locked up so at the end we had to use a makeshift green screen. It also didn’t help that one of the group members decided they didn’t want to work on the project anymore putting us at an even more disadvantage. We finally got it done however and this project definitely taught us many needed lessons.