TITLE: Blue Hued Car
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Dreamweaver and HTML5 canvas component
HARDWARE: Macbook Pro
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Blanka Roundtree
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
LINK: https://richard2danimation.blogspot.com/2022/02/canvas-html5-project.html
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Dreamweaver and HTML5 canvas component
HARDWARE: Macbook Pro
CLASS: FMX 210 Digital Media
PROFESSOR: Blanka Roundtree
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 2022
INSTITUTION: The University of Tampa
LINK: https://richard2danimation.blogspot.com/2022/02/canvas-html5-project.html
DESCRIPTION: Blue Hued Car is an art graphic containing various shapes (rectangles, circles, lines, and octagon) including three Bezier curves and two Quadratic curves. I used Dreamweaver and the HTML 5 canvas component as the medium to create Blue Hued Car. I wanted to learn how to use the HTML 5 canvas component as a medium and create an abstract art piece. The coding took me a few days to create the car. After a few days, I felt like an expert creating rectangles using HTML. I wanted to make the piece a little more interesting so I added gradients to the sun, stop sign, car, tires, and the grass. I used Quadratic and Bezier curves to add a little more dimension to the piece. I felt I was successful using Dreamweaver and the HTML 5 canvas component to create Blue Hued Car.