TITLE: Dialogue Final

MEDIA: Dialogue Animation

SOFTWARE: Harmony Essentials

SPECIFICATIONS: 1920 × 1080px


CLASS: FMX 238 2D Animation 1

PROFESSOR: Dana Corrigan


INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

DESCRIPTION: This project “Dialogue Final” is an animation of two outlined Yoshis talking to each other. Here’s the story: The pink outlined Yoshi, sees and apple on the tree that’s at the far right, she sees that it’s up high, the green outlined Yoshi shows up and asks her is she needs help, the green outlined Yoshi also notices that the apple is up high, the pink outlined Yoshi doesn’t think she could get it but the green Yoshi new he could get it, he jumped up and got it, he ran away with it and said “You can’t have it” in a way that he’s making fun of her, the pink Yoshi then follows him as she says “Hey!.” I am the voice of both Yoshis as you could hear. I used a recording from my phone to be the voice of both of those Yoshis and talk out this conversation. In the recording, I am concerned about some of the other noises in the background like cars going on the bridge, but it was the quietest place I can find. For the background, I added a green ground and a blue sky like a typical Yoshi’s island or cartoon background.

TITLE: Bouncing Ball

MEDIA: 2D Animation

SOFTWARE: Adobe After Effects

SPECIFICATIONS: 1920 × 1080px, mute


CLASS: FMX 238 2D Animation 1

PROFESSOR: Dana Corrigan


INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

DESCRIPTION: This project “Bouncing Ball” is an animation of a bouncing ball created on adobe After Effects. I chose an 80s Super Mario background of two green pipes, five question mark blocks, and one brown block because I was ambitious with this project and I love the Mario video games series. I wanted the bouncing ball to be red because Mario’s outfit and hat is red, so let’s just pretend this is a bouncing ball version of Mario. As the ball hits those super blocks, you’ll notice a yellow coin coming out of each of them except the question block on that’s on the top left, above the bottom three when a mushroom comes out. When the ball touched the mushroom, just like the video game “Super Mario Bros.” the ball gets bigger.

TITLE: Balloons

MEDIA: Stop Motion Animation

SOFTWARE: Dragon Frame

SPECIFICATIONS: 1056 × 594px, mute


CLASS: ART 238 2D Animation 1

PROFESSOR: Dana Corrigan


INSTITUTION: University of Tampa

DESCRIPTION: This project “Balloons” is a stop motion animation of balloons floating up in the air, the first two got popped though. It’s a group project even though I had the option to work individually, I worked with Logan Fredrickson. We had the idea of the first balloon got popped by a bird because bird’s beaks are pointy. We decided that the second balloon got popped by a plane because that’s another thing that can pop a balloon. We then decided to have lots of balloons float up in the air without getting popped. We decided to end it by having balloons with a letter on each of them to spell out “The end.” That set of balloons float up to a decent spot and stopped so viewers can see.