Title: Dragonborn
Media: HTML code
Software: Dreamweaver
Specifications: 800px x 450px
Class: FMX 310 Creative Coding
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Semester/Term: SP 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Link: http://art310.santiago.bz/sp19/kbehles/01_illustration/illustrationfinal.html
Description: Objective was to create an interactive illustration with code.

Title: Spring
Media: HTML Code
Software: Dreamweaver
Specifications: 800px x 800px
Class: FMX 310 Creative Coding
Semester/Term: SP 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Link: http://art310.santiago.bz/sp19/kbehles/02_vector_mandala/vector_16.html
Description: Objective was to create a mandala using vectors.
Title: Drink Around the World
Media: HTML Code
Software: Dreamweaver
Specifications: 800px x 800px
Class: FMX 310 Creative Coding
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Semester/Term: SP 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Link: http://art310.santiago.bz/sp19/kbehles/03_IMAGE_MANDALA/imagemandala_10.html
Description: Objective was to create a mandala using images.