Media: Photography
Camera: Canon T3i
Software: Photoshop
Specifications: 4676px x 3117px, RGB
Class: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
Professor: Gregg Perkins
Semester/Term: S2 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to create a self portrait. I don’t take photos of myself and decided to portray my nocturnal lagophthalmos.

Media: Photography
Camera: Canon T3i
Software: Photoshop
Specifications: 1500px x 900px, RGB
Class: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
Professor: Gregg Perkins
Semester/Term: S2 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: A further experimentation of my self portrait.

Media: Photography
Camera: Canon T3i
Software: Photoshop
Specifications: 5184px x 3456px, RGB
Class: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
Professor: Gregg Perkins
Semester/Term: S2 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to photograph landscapes. It was my first time working with a camera.

Media: Photography
Camera: Canon T3i
Software: Photoshop
Specifications: 5184px x 3456px, RGB
Class: FMX 381 Digital Imaging
Professor: Gregg Perkins
Semester/Term: S2 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to photograph landscapes. I wanted to create a story in the photograph.