Media: 2D Animation
Software: After Effects
Specifications: 320px x 320px
Class: Art 319 Typography 2
Professor: Chrissy Singer
Semester/Term: FA 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to use non-western type to create a design.

Media: Design
Software: InDesign
Specifications: 1325px x 1719px
Class: ART 309 Typography 1
Professor: Chrissy Singer
Semester/Term: S1 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to create type from real objects and design a magazine cover.

Media: Design
Software: InDesign
Specifications: 1275px x 1950px
Class: ART 309 Typography 1
Professor: Chrissy Singer
Semester/Term: S1 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to redesign a restaurant menu using hierarchy in type.