Title: Casino Symbol Set
Media: Design
Software: Illustrator
Specifications: 1650px x 1275px
Class: ART 305 Graphic Design I
Professor: Melissa Gridley
Semester/Term: SP 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to chose a topic to create symbols for that use a principle of design for each symbol.
Title: PRINT19 Poster
Media: Design
Software: InDesign
Specifications: 5398px x 7198px
Class: ART 305 Graphic Design I
Professor: Melissa Gridley
Semester/Term: SP 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to create a poster using design principles for a graphic design event.
Title: Type as Art
Media: Design
Software: Illustrator
Specifications: 4811px x 2952px
Class: ART 305 Graphic Design I
Professor: Melissa Gridley
Semester/Term: SP 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Description: Objective was to use type to create an abstract artwork.