Title: What’s in my Bag?
Media: HTML Code
Software: Dreamweaver
Class: FMX 311
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Semester/Term: FA 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Link: http://art311.santiago.bz/FA19/behles/02_ImagePoem/imagepoem.html
Description: Objective was to use images to create an interactive illustration or poem. I decided to do a self portrait with what I keep in my backpack.
Title: Put Something In
Media: HTML Code
Software: Dreamweaver
Class: FMX 311
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Semester/Term: FA 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Link: http://art311.santiago.bz/FA19/behles/03_TextImagePoem/textimagepoem.html
Description: Objective was to combine text and images to create an interactive poem.
Title: Dream Stream
Media: HTML Code
Software: Dreamweaver
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Semester/Term: FA 19
Institution: The University of Tampa
Link: http://art311.santiago.bz/FA19/behles/04_VideoPoem/vid_01.html
Description: Objective was to create an interactive art piece using videos.