TITLE: 3D Text
YOUR ROLE: Director/Lead VFX Artist
MEDIA: Visual Effects
SOFTWARE: Adobe After Effects
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: One unique feature that After Effects has is what are known as ‘3D Cameras’ which can scan footage and create tracking nodes so that other 3D elements can be accurately placed into a scene. In the case of this project, I used this clip of three provided to make a movie or short film introduction sequence, utilizing 3D Text to make the text feel like part of the environment rather than simply static. I also wanted it to interact with the environment itself, which is why I have the first piece of text be ‘dragged’ in by the second passerby at 4 seconds in. After that, I made a simple mask around the red car to make the text disappear while two more pieces of text are carried in, that being the main title of the ‘movie’ on the top of the car that slips off followed by another car dragging in the credits to who made the film.