Time: 1:40 – 2:08
TITLE: Catharsis
YOUR ROLE: Sound Design.
MEDIA: Experimental narrative film.
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro
HARDWARE: Canon Rebel T3i
SPECIFICATIONS: 22.3 x 14.9mm
PROFESSOR: Warren Cockerham
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: For our final group project for FMX-241, we were to combine two film types of our choosing and create a short movie from there. My team from Catalyst reassembled with the intent to tell an experimental film focusing on the creation of a cup of tea underscored a narrative centered around a crumbling relationship. Due to scheduling issues, my role in the final film was relegated to sound design, wherein I added effects to muffle the audio of the two characters arguing, add echoing to the glass shattering, and distort the sounds water boiling. The latter two sounds act as examples of how I used sounds to characterize or signify the emotions going on in the background with the relationship’s deterioration, such as the boiling water being an analogy for the anger of the two parties boiling over and leading to the end of the relationship. My largest contribution to the sound design was the soundtrack itself, wherein I picked a suitably somber, almost reminiscent or mourning score fitting for some of the more tender moments of the short film.