TITLE: Content Aware Fill 1 and 2
YOUR ROLE: Director/Lead VFX Artist
MEDIA: Visual Effects
SOFTWARE: Adobe After Effects
DURATION: 0:22 each (0:44 total)
PROFESSOR: Javier Olarte
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: One incredibly vital tool present across a handful of Adobe Creative Cloud products is the ‘Content Aware Fill’ tool, which can edit out an element of a photo/video and replace it with something from the surrounding video. In the case of the two videos above, I decided to edit out an animal from each clip (Two birds in the first one and a horse in the second) in order to showcase how significant of a change Content Aware Fill can create, and how accurate it can be. I selected the specific clips due to both having static camera angles and equally static subjects, which made masking them out rather straight forward. The horse video in particular took about one or two iterations before I got it right, as I picked the horse that would be the most interesting to take out due to how close it is to the brown horse.