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TITLE: Kinetic Typography
YOUR ROLE: Programmer
MEDIA: Creative Coding
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: Words can be a very powerful tool in the hands of the right person, whether they’re spoken, written or even thought. In the case of this project, we were to select a quote that held importance to us and make it into a kinetic illustration. In my case, I picked a quote from the Watchman comic said by Dr. Manhattan to Ozymandias near the end of the final issue, wherein the latter states the destruction he caused to bring an end to the Cold War was worth it ‘in the end’; to which Manhattan retorts with “‘In the end?’ Nothing ends, Adrian.” Its such a powerful quote for me and I sought to recreate the panel of the comic that sees Dr. Manhattan speak it, using the quote to represent the blue hero, the swirling sphere that he walks through and the mushroom cloud that appears in the following panel. For Dr. Manhattan, I traced an outline of one half of his body and mirrored it in order to ensure both halves were perfectly symmetrical, before adjusting the type within his body and the mushroom cloud to form at the same time as one another.