TITLE: Logo Animation
YOUR ROLE: Director, Animator
MEDIA: 2D Animation
SOFTWARE: Adobe After Effects
CLASS: 4D Animation
INSTITUTION: Ringling College of Art And Design
DESCRIPTION: As another example of Ringling preparing us to help with corporate animation work, the Logo animation was essentially that, us picking a logo and animating it. For my selection, I decided to pick the Google logo and do an animation wordlessly showcasing the company’s ability to get information from elsewhere to your computer fast and efficiently. I wanted to alternate between subtractive and additive masks so that during some beats of the music, the logo was a bold letter over an image and in others, it was containing the image itself. I also used the circular shape of the ‘G’ logo to my advantage in both expanding it to sync it with the beats so that each beat drop played the next image, and having it whirl away while shrinking at the end of the animation itself.