TITLE: Megatron Calligram
YOUR ROLE: Designer
MEDIA: Digital Media
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
PROFESSOR: Allan Hampton
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: As part of the calligram project in my Digital Media class, we were required to select or find an image of a character before forming a calligram out of quotes and words associated with said character. I decided to pick Megatron from the original 1984 Transformers cartoon, due to the character having a number of memorable quotes associated with him. Additionally, I made use of the names of other Decepticon characters that Megatron commands, the name of the gun he transformers into, and simply words that are associated with a villainous character like him such as ‘Vile’ and ‘Evil’. I took an image of Megatron and traced it in black first to get his silhouette, then steadily filled the respective areas with text that I could stretch out only slightly in order to fill them up; which was rather easy due to Megatron’s robotic design and blocky profile.