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TITLE: Sprite Sheet
YOUR ROLE: Programmer
MEDIA: Creative Coding
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop
HARDWARE: iPhone 11
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: In older video games, a sprite sheet is an image that holds various smaller images of ‘sprites’, 2D pixelated or illustrated images that are sections of a wider animation. Each of these images is played in a successive order to give the illusion it is moving on its own, much like what most forms of animation tend to accomplish. This funnily enough is something I already have quite a bit of experience with through stop motion, which was what inspired me to use a figure for the sprite sheet rather than a physical person. Specifically, I picked a toy from the Transformer line due to the fact the figure can, well, transform into a vehicle, which gives me a rather unique animation already. For the animations themselves, I took pictures in intervals of eight to twelve frames, allowing me smooth but fast movements that I could easily loop once I put them together in Photoshop to create the final sprite sheet.