TITLE: Unreal Engine 5 Sequence
YOUR ROLE: Director/Lead Animator
MEDIA: 3D Animation
SOFTWARE: Unreal Engine 5
PROFESSOR: Stephen Dinehart
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: During my Interactivity for Games and Animation course, Epic Games released a series of video tutorials as part of an Unreal Engine Fellowship, which saw my professor introduce us to these videos and how to animate a sequence in the game engine. This sequence is the final, polished version to come out of me learning how to create, animate and render a sequence in Unreal Engine 5, with the original assignment being to create 3 sequences with 3 scenes each; although I got approval to instead do 1 sequence with 9 scenes in total. I used this to create a story and try out various aspects of the engine, from swapping camera angels to animating control rigs to accessing models via the content browser. In the end, it’s a sequence that I think serves as a nice introduction to Unreal Engine 5, and a nice starting point for me to look back on in the future.