TITLE: Vector Character
YOUR ROLE: Designer
MEDIA: Digital Media
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
PROFESSOR: Allan Hampton
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: What you see above isn’t an original image, but rather me perfectly tracing over an original image using vectors in Adobe Illustrator. My professor provided us with various images we could pick one of in order to replicate perfectly using vectors, and in my case I picked Megaman. For my process, I traced an outline of the drawing to make a silhouette before working up from what shapes took up the most surface area to what shapes took up the least and therefor could be layered on top of those shapes. In the case of the ankles and hands, it was darkest to lightest, while the thighs, waist, body it was the inverse. The helmet/face was a mixture of the two, such as the shine of the helmet going on last while the shadow of the crest also went on last rather than first like it would have in other areas.