TITLE: Vinyl Album Cover
YOUR ROLE: Photographer, Designer
MEDIA: 2D Design
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
HARDWARE: iPhone 12
CLASS: 2D Design II
INSTITUTION: Ringling College of Art And Design
DESCRIPTION: During my tenure at Ringling, one of the courses I took as part of the Motion Design Program was 2D Design, which of course centered around making designs for a variety of purposes. One such project that took a considerable amount of planning, designing and refining was a mock vinyl album cover, which I took inspiration from old album covers that use actual images such as Pink Floyd and Nirvana. In the case of my image, I wanted to use a dreamy, ethereal neon color scene paired with some serene, yet strange image; after scouting various locations, my inspiration struck when I passed a creek behind the school that was giving a perfect reflection of the water. From there in Photoshop, I used hue and saturation layers to make the top half a more violet, almost indigo hue while the bottom was a deeper, more royal purple coloration. I also added a very light, desaturated orchid color to the top of the cover in order to create a sort of ethereal glow, playing into the water’s reflectivity while brightening up the rest of the trees around it.