Time: 1:19 – 1:57
TITLE: Lego Zombie Escape (Stop Motion)
YOUR ROLE: Director/Lead Animator/Editor
MEDIA: Stop Motion Animation
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Stop Motion Studio Pro
HARDWARE: Canon EOS 5000
SPECIFICATIONS: 145 x 92 x 70 mm
LINK: Youtube
DESCRIPTION: An old genre of Lego stop motions I used to enjoy watching when I was growing up were ones centered around zombies, and more often than not someone fighting through hordes of them. After learning how to make stop motions similar to those Lego animations, I began working on Omegadrive City only to be burnt out midway through production. This was when I started animating Lego Zombie Escape as a less story focused, more action oriented palette cleanser that wasn’t as taxing when it came to set design or plot. This is why many of the set pieces of Lego Zombie Escape are largely identical when it comes to architecture, as I wanted to draw more attention to the escalating action of the short than the scenery of the setting.