Digital Title: Luna Media: Digital Photography Software: — Specifications: 6240 x 4160 Class: Personal Professor: — Semester/Term: — Institution: University of TampaPortrait of puppy named Luna. Title: Over the Rainbow Media: Digital Photography Software: — Specifications: 6240 x 4160 Class: Personal Professor: — Semester/Term: — Institution: University of TampaPortrait of rainbow through leaves on a tree. Title: Alexander Media: Digital Photography Software: — Specifications: 6240 x 4160 Class: Personal Professor: — Semester/Term: — Institution: University of TampaPortrait of brother, Alexander Hamilton. Title: Threshold Media: Digital Photography Software: — Specifications: 6240 x 4160 Class: Personal Professor: — Semester/Term: — Institution: University of TampaPortrait of backyard man made entrance. Title: Down the Road Media: Digital Photography Software: — Specifications: 6240 x 4160 Class: Personal Professor: — Semester/Term: — Institution: University of TampaPortrait of road in Stafford, VA