Film Title: FL8018NW Media: B&W 35mm Software: — Specifications: — Class: ART 208 Professor: Curt Steckel Semester/Term: SP 18 Institution: University of TampaPortrait of boat on UT campus by the Boathouse. Title: The Bench Media: B&W 35mm Software: — Specifications: — Class: ART 208 Professor: Curt Steckel Semester/Term: SP 18 Institution: University of TampaPortrait of bench in Henry B. Plant Park. Title: Gemini Media: B&W 35mm Software: — Specifications: — Class: ART 208 Professor: Curt Steckel Semester/Term: SP 18 Institution: University of TampaPortrait of two flowers. Title: LeAnn Media: B&W 35mm Software: — Specifications: — Class: ART 208 Professor: Curt Steckel Semester/Term: SP 18 Institution: University of TampaPortrait of LeAnn Vaughn. Title: Tires Media: B&W 35mm Software: — Specifications: — Class: ART 208 Professor: Curt Steckel Semester/Term: SP 18 Institution: University of TampaPortrait of stacked tires.