TITLE: Ferris Wheel
YOUR ROLE: Director, Director of Photography, Sound Designer, Editor
TYPE: Music Video
CAMERA: Canon t3i
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro, Ableton Live
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920x1080p, H.264
DURATION: 2’53” (1:55-2:11)
CLASS: FMX 328 Sound in Media
PROFESSOR: Gregg Perkins
SEMESTER / TERM: 2021 Spring Semester
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I arranged a piece with footages throughout my Sophomore year and this piece is a overview of my semester and how grateful I am with everyone and everything that happened that academic year.
TITLE: Film Scoring Assignment
YOUR ROLE: Sound Designer, Editor
TYPE: Film Scoring
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere Pro, Ableton Live
SPECIFICATIONS: 1920x1080p, H.264
DURATION: 2’54” (0:58-1:31)
CLASS: FMX 328 Sound in Media
PROFESSOR: Gregg Perkins
SEMESTER / TERM: 2021 Spring Semester
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I added more jazz elements and background discord soundtrack to the existing Princess and the Frog scene to add to the tension.