Title: Cloudy Day
Media: 2D Animation
Software: Adobe Photoshop & Adobe After Effects
Specifications: 1920×1080, 24 fps
Class: Animation 2
Professor: Dana Corrigan
Semester/Term: F 18
Institution: University of Tampa
Info: The Sun is trying to light up his friend the flower, but when the evil clouds cover the sky the Sun will do whatever it can to break through to save his friend.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RFiKwhF8Pw
Title: Rhino Leap
Media: Stop Motion Animation
Software: Adobe After Effects
Specifications: 640×272, 12 fps
Class: Animation 1
Professor: Anne Morningstar
Semester/Term: F 15
Institution: North Central Michigan College
Info: The man jumps over a plant and transforms into a rhino
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3KGj1jcN7w
Title: Halloween
Media: Stop Motion Animation
Software: After Effects
Specifications: 640×272, 12 fps
Class: Animation 1
Professor: Anne Morningstar
Semester/Term: F 15
Institution: North Central Michigan College
Info: A girl turns into a ghost at night and posses the pumpkins
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5AI08_snNk